🔒Why, and What?

Why, and what are we building, and what happen to the old proxy?

Here at $0XP, we understand that the rapidly growing blockchain universe can sometimes feel like a vast, uncharted wilderness. It's a place teeming with potential and innovation, but it can also feel like every move you make is being watched, documented, and potentially exploited. That's why we are creating a haven of security and privacy within this digital landscape. We believe in a blockchain world where every individual feels empowered, safe, and secure, where every transaction you make is yours and yours alone.

Our mission is to construct a platform that protects your privacy, guards your transactions, and ensures that your experience on the blockchain is as personal and safe, and secure as it should be. The original PROXY V1 was a commendable start, but due to personal circumstances, the previous developer and team had to step back. We're here to pick up where they left off. We're a new management team, brimming with experience, dedication, and a vision to make PROXY something more than it was.

In recognition of the loyalty of V1 holders, we have air-dropped tokens and vested them on an 8-day period to demonstrate our commitment to them. Their loyalty to PROXY V1 was inspiring, and we have no doubt that they will find this revamped, security-centric iteration of PROXY just as enticing, if not more so. We're not just picking up pieces here, we're creating something bigger, stronger, and more dedicated to the purpose we all believe in. So here's to the future of $0XP – a future that's secure, private, and truly empowering.

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